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to make firmer

См. также в других словарях:

  • Make Your Own Damn Movie! — Make Your Own Damn Movie!: Secrets of a Renegade Director   Author(s) …   Wikipedia

  • firmer chisel — noun a chisel with a thin blade for woodworking • Hypernyms: ↑chisel * * * ˈfərmər noun Etymology: modification of French fermoir, alteration of Middle French formoir chisel, from former to form more at form : a woodworker s hand chisel having a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • firmer chisel — /ferr meuhr/, Carpentry. a narrow bladed chisel for paring and mortising, driven by hand pressure or with a mallet. [1680 90; firmer < F fermoir, b. formoir that which forms (deriv. of former to FORM < L formare) and fermer to make firm ( < L… …   Universalium

  • firmer chisel — fir′mer chis el [[t]ˈfɜr mər[/t]] n. bui a narrow bladed chisel for paring and mortising that is driven by hand pressure or with a mallet • Etymology: 1680–90; firmer < F fermoir, b. formoir that which forms (der. of former to form < L… …   From formal English to slang

  • firmer chisel — /ˈfɜmə tʃɪzəl/ (say fermuh chizuhl) noun a carpenter s chisel with a blade thin in proportion to its width, fixed to the handle by a tang, usually pushed by the hand and not driven with a mallet. {firmer, from French fermoir, blend of formoir… …  

  • harden — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. anneal, fire; steel; congeal, thicken (see hardness); accustom, inure, blunt. See habit, insensibility. Ant., soften. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To make less pervious] Syn. steel, temper, anneal, solidify …   English dictionary for students

  • clutch — clutch1 clutchingly, adv. clutchy, adj. /kluch/, v.t. 1. to seize with or as with the hands or claws; snatch: The bird swooped down and clutched its prey with its claws. 2. to grip or hold tightly or firmly: She clutched the child s hand as they… …   Universalium

  • Cancer — For other uses, see Cancer (disambiguation). Cancer Classification and external resources …   Wikipedia

  • strengthen — I (Roget s IV) v. Syn. intensify, add, invigorate, fortify, encourage, confirm, increase, multiply, empower, arm, energize, harden, reactivate, steel, reinforce, brace, buttress, stimulate, sustain, nerve, animate, reanimate, restore, reman,… …   English dictionary for students

  • confirm — v 1. corroborate, verify, authenticate, validate, substantiate; bear out, prove, establish, evidence, give credence to; attest, certify, bear witness to, testify, vouch for; affirm, aver, assure, pledge, promise, guarantee, ensure, secure,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • con|firm´er — con|firm «kuhn FURM», transitive verb. 1. to prove to be true or correct; make certain: »The rumor that there was flooding was confirmed by a news broadcast. 2. to make more certain by putting in writing, by consent, or by encouragement: »He sent …   Useful english dictionary

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